10343 Siegen Lane Suite 1A

Baton Rouge, LA 70810

Office Hours are:

M-W 8a-5p, Th 8a-2p

Phone: 225-757-8450

Fax: 225-757-8454

New Concepts in Therapeutic Dentistry Are Available Now.

Root Canal Therapy

We offer root canal therapy to relieve symptoms and prevent further infection. During the procedure, our doctors will use the HyFlex® nickel titanium rotary system to remove bacteria and decayed material from your tooth. After filling your tooth with a soft rubber compound, he will top it with a custom-made dental crown. Like many patients, you may believe that root canal therapy will be very unpleasant. However, we use laser therapy to minimize discomfort, and we also offer several types of sedation.

TMJ Disorder Therapy

If you struggle with facial pain, jaw stiffness, difficulty eating, headaches, and related symptoms, you may suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. TMJ disorder results when your jaw joints are damaged or when the surrounding tissues are inflamed. Often we will treat TMJ disorder with custom-made occlusal splints. These devices will realign your jaw to reduce pressure on your joints. In other cases, BOTOX® Cosmetic can be an effective option. The injections will help your overactive jaw muscles to relax, easing facial pain.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious health condition that can cause a patient to wake up repeatedly throughout the night. In addition to daytime fatigue and sleepiness, the disorder can increase the risk of more serious health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. We offer simple, comfortable oral appliances to help open the airway and restore normal sleeping patterns. 

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